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详细参数请点击查看PDF文件:TJ FullMusic 45/C.pdf (4.95 M)
Classification-Aubergine-type bulb of glass, a four-prong bayonet pin tube, oxide coated filamentary,mesh plate, canbon plate triode.
Application-Audio frequency amplifier where undistorted power output of approximately 1.6 watts .
Dimensions-Dimensions, outline diagrams of the tube and bases, and the arrangement of electrode connections to the base terminals are shown in Figures 1and 2 .
As Single-Tube Class A1 Amplifier
Filament voltage......................2.5 V
Nominal filament current...... 1.5 A
Plate voltage............................ 250 V
Grid voltage.............................. –50V
Plate current.............................36 mA
Plate resistance......................1610 ohm
Amplification factor***............ 3.5
Load resistance.......................3900 ohm
Grid current...............................0.05μAAs Push-Pull Class AB2 Amplifier ( Two Tubes )
Fixed Bias Self-bias Filament voltage ( A.C. ) 2.5 V 2.5V Plate voltage ( Maximum ) 275V 275V Grid voltage –68V** Self-Bias Resistor 775ohm Zero-Signal Plate Current 28 mA 72 mA Maximum-signal Plate Current 138 mA 90 mA Load resistance 3200 ohm 5060ohm Total Harmonic Distortion 5% 5% Power Output 18W 12W *Alternating-current filament supply or Direct-current filament supply.
**Alternating-current filament supply is used. The grid and plate returns should be connected to a center tap on the secondary of the filament transformer.
***Direct-current filament supply is used. The grid and plate returns areconnected to the negative end of the filament.
Characteristics-Average characteristics
Figure 3.shown typical curves of plate currents as a function of grid voltage for several values of plate voltages. It is alternating-current filament supply.
Limiting Operation Conditions for Safe Operation-nor simultaneous ratings
Maximum plate voltage .........................275 V
Maximum plate dissipation ..................10 W