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Classification- Dome-type bulb of glass, filametary of carbennation Th-w a Copper ceramic base with four-prong bayonet golden pins, carbon plate triode.
Application -Audio power amplifier Class A1 or Class AB1.
Dimensions -Dimensions, outline diagrams of the tube and bases, and the arrangement of electrode connections to the base terminals are shown in Figures 1 and 2. Fig 1 Fig 2Nominal operating conditions and parameters
Filament voltage* .......................................... 10V
Nominal filament current ..............................3.2A
Plate voltage .................................................. 1250V
Grid voltage** ............................................ -200V
Plate current ................................................. 80mA
Plate resistance ......................................... 1.7 k
Amplification factor ..................................... 5.0
Load resistance ........................................... 3.4 k
Signal voltage(pk) ...................................... .69.0V
Output power ............................................... 15W
Grid to plate transconductance..................3.0mA / V
*Alternating-current filament supply or Direct-current filament supply.
**Alternating-current filament supply is used. The grid and plate returns should be connected to a center tap on the secondary of the filament transformer.
Direct-current filament supply is used. The grid and platter returns are connected to the negative end of the filament.
Suggest Operating conditions and parameters
Class A1 power amplifier of single tube
Plate voltage 1000 1000 1250 V Grid voltage -145 -155 -209 V Load resistance 6 9 16 kohms Plate current 90 65 52 mA Signal voltage(pk) 110 145 V Plate resistance 1.7 1.9 2.1 kohms Output power 24 21 24 W
Lass AB1 power amplifier of push-pull
Plate voltage 800 1000 1000 1250 V Grid voltage -125 -170 -175 -225 V Load resistance 45 46 46 66 kohms Plate current 80 70 40 40 mA Signal voltage(pk) 177 240 V Plate current (max. sig,) 177 240 V Output power 40 75 75 75 W
Characteristics-Average characteristics
Figure 3. shown typical curves of plate currents of grid voltage for several values of plate voltages. It is alternating-current filament supply. Fig 3Limiting Operation Conditions for Safe Nor simultaneous ratings
Maximum plate voltage ................... 1250 V
Maximum plate dissipation .............75W
Maximum plate current ................... 120mA