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Classification- Dome-type bulb of glass, filametary of carbennation Th-w a white ceramic base with four-prong bayonet golden pins, carbon plate triode.
Application -Audio power amplifier A-F, R-F of class B or R-F of class C and H-F oscillater.
Dimensions -Dimensions, outline diagrams of the tube and bases, and the arrangement of electrode connections to the base terminals are shown in Figures 1 and 2. Fig 1 Fig 2Nominal operating conditions and parameters
Filament voltage ..............................10V
Nominal filament current ...............3.2A
Plate voltage .....................................900V
Grid voltage ......................................20V
Plate current ....................................110mA
Suggest operating conditions and parameters
A-F of Class B Power amplifier(two tube)
Limiting value V Plate voltage 1250 1500 1500 V La (max. sig. per tube) 210 mA Pa (in)(max. sig. per tube) 315 W Pa (per tube) 125 W Grid voltage -16 VUg~ (pk) 235 280 V La (O) 148 84 mA La (max. sig) 500 600 mA Pd 6 7 W Load resistance (a-a) 6.7 8.2 k Pout (max. sig) 300 370 W
R-F of class B power amplifier of push-pull
Limiting value Plate voltage
800 1000 1000 1250 V Plate current 125 170 175 225 mA Load resistance 4.5 4.6 4.6 6.6 k Grid voltage 80 70 40 40 V Signal voltage(pk) 177 240 V Output power 40 75 75 115 W
R-F of class B power amplifier
Limiting value Plate voltage
1250 1500 1500 V Plate current 135 115 150 mA Grid current 15 15 mA Grid voltage 10 V Signal voltage(pk) 70 70 V Output power 55 57.5 W Pd. 11 7.5 W Plate dissiplation 85 W
R-F of class C power amplifier of single tube(max modulate coefficient shall be 1)
Limiting value Plate voltage
1000 1250 1250 V Plate current 160 160 175 mA Grid current 60 60 70 mA Grid voltage -155 -160 -500 V Signal voltage(pk) 295 300 V Output power 110 140 85 W Pd. 16 16 W Plate dissiplation 125 W
R-F of class C power amplifier and oscillater(each tube of key contral conditions for note modulate)
Limiting value Plate voltage
1000 1250 1500 1500 V Plate current 200 200 200 210 mA Grid voltage -95 -100 -105 -500 V Signal voltage(pk) 225 230 235 V Output power 130 170 215 W Pd. 8.5 8.5 8.5 W Plate dissiplation 125 WCharacteristics-Average characteristics
Figure 3. shown typical curves of plate currents of grid voltage for several values of plate voltages. It is alternating-current filament supply.
Fig 3Limiting Operation Conditions for Safe Nor simultaneous ratings
Maximum plate voltage ........................1250 V
Maximum plate dissipation ................75 W